Whenever you go to the market for shopping or other places, you need some polythene or bags to keep the goods. But it is generally seen that from a big store to a ration shop and vegetable sellers use polythene. It is a single-use plastic, which causes a lot of harm to our environment.
Keeping this in mind, the Central Government of India has decided to ban single-use plastic across the country from July 1, 2022. In such a situation, those who used to bring goods in polythene are worried that now how will they bring their goods?
The solution is that the old things that our elders used to put into practice were all eco-friendly, be it weddings or other events in rural India. Now we have to return in that direction.
Gradually these things went marginalized and in their place, people started using single-use plastic balls, glasses etc in wedding ceremonies or other programs.
Till a few years ago, people used to carry bags while going to the market. Now we have to follow the path shown by our elders and use earthen pots in marriage ceremonies and other events.
If we do this then people will also get employees who used to make clay pots in rural India and our environment will also be fine. People must bring changes in their habits, for the sake of the environment, they must also carry a bag while going to the market.
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